Holidays with hope&plum: How Does Babywearing Help You Celebrate?
The holiday season is a wonderful time to come together with family and friends to spread joy, cheer, and laughter. This year, we asked our hope&plum community how babywearing helps them celebrate all holiday season. Let’s see what they have to say!

Holiday Activities
Many of our community members credited their carriers with being able to do all the holiday activities they loved while still holding their small ones close.
“This is my first Christmas as a mom and proud to say we haven’t missed a single activity thanks to my lark” - Nicole Healey

“We live on an island and need to take a 2 hour ferry ride in order to visit family for the holidays. Using our carrier helps so much with making sure our toddler is safely within arms reach when navigating car decks, stairs, and crowds of people. It also means my hands are free to assist my older child or carry the diaper bags or food.” - Mo Smith
“We are Russian Orthodox and celebrate Yolka (orthodox Christmas) on January 7th. ☦️ We put on a pageant every year and this year my five year old will participate and has rehearsals every week. My lark has been a life saver keeping my 10 month old content while sister practices her dances. (We also LOVE our ring sling for church 🥰)” - Mary Mungovan-Moss

“There's a historic home owned by the Metroparks that decorates each room with a different theme for Christmas and hosts tours. The Lark made it easy to keep tabs on the 3 year old and stop her from going under the ropes blocking the rooms off 🤣” - Elizabeth Marie

“I wore my 1 year old to a Christmas party today while my 2 year old was running around like a mad man. It would have been awful trying to chase them both 😂” - Sierra Mark
“I love cuddling Milo in my Lark at ALL the wonderful Christmas activities, including the Festival of Trees with my parents! We are both comfortable and happy!!” - Laura Bouchard

“Babywearing keeps me hands-free during the holidays, allowing us to carry out traditions with ease. It’s great for those days spent getting ready for family and friends to come over as well as outdoor events like attending our town’s Christmas parade! Baby gets to enjoy the closeness of me while I can still do all the things I need to do. There’s something special about having a comfortable and cute carrier that makes babywearing even more fun!” - Demacy K Monte-Parker
Some families kicked off the holiday season with fall hiking.
“Hiking in northern Minnesota to see the fall colors!!” - Dani Nicole

“Nothing like the lark for a successful hike with two Kids! I have never had a carrier that I could carry a baby or a full toddler in and be COMFORTABLE! The ability to front and back carry gives options to the parent and versatility in your day! I can’t even count how many times my carrier has saved me when my baby is having a fussy day but I need to get things done!” - Sierra Gardner

“I was able to comfortably travel with the baby for the first time for Thanksgiving with my lark! We also did a hike in the smoky mountains with it and remained comfortable! 🍁” - Diana Smalley

Others used their carrier while viewing colorful outdoor light displays.
“Made walking through winter wonderland a breeze! We got to look at everything because using the lark ment we got to go up and down the stairs, compared to a stroller that would have kept us on the flat path!” - Keile Wood

“This year, we’re thankful for our Lark to get through Christmas light displays with all the kiddos!” - Bethany Hamersky
“Our Lark has been our go-to carrier for the past 10 months! Our almost 2 year old loves to melt into Papa, especially on these colder nights. It makes getting out to see beautiful lights or attend festivals, easy and light. No stroller and multiple blankets- just the baby, a jacket, and the lark 💛” - Katie Trewitt

“We are going out to look at Christmas lights tonight and I’m definitely bringing my lark for when my 3 year old gets tired of walking!!” - Tyler Lawrence
“We were able to enjoy a walk in the not stroller friendly park after dark and see some Christmas lights. I was able to keep up with my 3 year old while holding my 4 month old in the lark. ♥️” - Zuzanna Lubben

“Babywearing helped keep my little guy warm and happy while staying up late to see Christmas lights” - Shelby Turley Williams

Some used their carrier to follow through on a Christmas tradition - cutting down the tree.
“It helped us get our Christmas tree so everyone could be a part of our family tradition!” - Sarah Klopping

“Hiking in northern Minnesota to see the fall colors!!” - Dani Nicole

“My lark helps me bring my baby girl along for all the holiday festivities, including helping pick out our Christmas tree.” - Rachel Reed

“Our ring sling was perfect for our quick trip to the Christmas tree lot. Baby girl loves being carried. She was looking around at all the trees and loved listening to the Christmas music that was playing.” - Marie Tranakas

Carriers and outdoor winter activities just go hand in hand!
“We have been so blessed by Hope & Plum carriers this holiday season. We have attended sewing group and church with our ring sling, watched the town holiday parade in our lark and spent time at Silver Dollar City in Branson MO enjoying the Christmas lights and parade with our lark.” - Breanna Nibarger

“I’m a single mom with 2 under 2 and hope and plum has been a life saver for me! I can still show my baby the love and attention he needs while being able to give my toddler what he needs. I’ve been able to give them the experiences I want ❤️ we saw live reindeer and Santa clause!” - Ashley Shipley

“H&P kept us safe and warm at the very busy Christkindl Market downtown Chicago! Perfect for my 2.5 yo who was over tired and not wanting to wear her jacket in 20 degree weather 🙄🤣” - Emily Ann Morrow

“Keeping warm and snuggly during outdoor events! My 7m old son has been to downtown vendor festivals, walked around town, and the town parade with no fuss all while being worn keeping him nice and warm. It was easy for him to be awake and have fun, take a nap when needed, and even nurse during all events!” - Marissa Riley Perry
“We use our lark to stay warm and snuggly on walks in the neighborhood, which we have a lot more time to do around the holidays. Last night I snapped this photo as Violet (or Letty as we typically call her) and I walked to our neighborhood pho restaurant for a mom + daughter date. She clearly loves the lark too! Tonight we’ll be using it again to walk through the Christmas lights at the Missouri Botanical Garden. Letty and I both love hope & plum here in STL ♥️” - Jordan Elizabeth

“Christmas parade fun courtesy of our meh dai. So cozy 😍” - Linnaea Rianda

Flexible Routines
Another way that babywearing with hope&plum helps us celebrate is by allowing us to keep to our family’s regular routines and tend to our little ones while also being flexible to include holiday events, activities, and schedule changes.
“Guarantee that there will not be any skipped naps no matter if we are out or visiting family ❤️
Plus baby won’t be passed around like a hot potato 😂” - Cristina Maria Sălășan

“At my older son's first Christmas myself and my husband had to take turns sitting in a room alone with the baby so he could nap. He exclusively contact napped until he was almost a year old. Nothing we did worked. With baby #2 we aren't missing out on any holiday celebrations! Learning about baby wearing was already game changing. Now with the lark I can easily put my toddler on my back when he gets overstimulated and quickly switch to a front carry when the baby needs a nap.” - Isabelle Ball-Esch
“My 4yr old had a Christmas pageant at 6pm & my 2yr old fell asleep in the car bc he’s under nap protest at home… I didn’t have my kid lark with me bc I didn’t anticipate needed to wear him but thankfully he still fits in both. Was my first successful sleeping in car transfer to sleeping in carrier, didn’t have the chest clip with me bc I normally use this for front carry only… clearly wasn’t prepared (solo parenting 4/2/ and 8m) lol” - Chelsea Zub

“Through this holiday season Hope and Plum has been our go to carrier for holiday trips. From being able to not miss naps to all of the Christmas shopping (and black Friday shopping) we did. Wearing her in a Lark on these longer trips was comfortable for the both of us!” - Chelsea Hoy

“Last year, my Ella spent over a week leading up into Christmas in the PICU with RSV. Looking at this picture is so sad because she looked like a whole different baby for weeks while she was fighting that off! But Village was her comfort item in the hospital and she was back in the sling as soon as we could disconnect some of her devices while she weaned from oxygen. She was released Christmas afternoon last year, and we were elated to be able to have our sling cuddles without cables and tubes attached.” - Bethany Hamersky

“Our Hope&Plum Lark has made such an impact on our lives and our holidays. Thanksgiving had stress free contact naps and allowed me to socialize with family and friends while keeping baby safe and happy. As an added bonus, it’s absolutely beautiful and was a great accessory for my outfit!
My son will be having surgery to adhere his cleft lip right before Christmas. The Lark has helped us keep him from getting sick before surgery by staying close to mama’s chest and will be invaluable post-surgery for the constant cuddles required ❤️ - Jill Stockwell

“Hope & Plum has allowed me to navigate the beautiful and crazy busy days of this season! Today my Lark saved me when I had a quick turnaround from a 9 mile run to a kids birthday party with a teething baby.
Side note- spot the archer wren!“ - Elissa Parent Kellner

“H&p is always with me. My ring slings travel wherever I go. I don’t take many photos but this one get its work put out 🤣 for the holidays we are just staying local & spending time with family” - Krista Kernel

“The fete sling also came in clutch for Thanksgiving dinner as we was able to nap and nurse comfortably throughout. 🤗” - Diana Smalley

“Nap time on dad is the best way to spend thanksgiving weekend ❤️ well any weekend really. Dad loves soaking in all the snuggles & feels so accomplished when getting the boob crazed baby to sleep without mom 😂” - Krista Kernel

“Our Lark has been a lifesaver with two little munchkins. It makes it so much easier to go out with both kids alone, chase down my rambunctious toddler while keeping my littlest munchkin happy & is so helpful when nursing on the go. It’s also so much softer & cooler than our previous mesh carrier, not to mention prettier.” - KirstenMarie V. Hatcher

“Our Lark allowed us to travel to visit family and navigate new places, new people, and a different routine for my baby without getting overstimulated or having to stay home for naps. He settles as soon as I put him in it, and I can nurse him on the go without taking him out of the Lark!!” - Olga Lane Neal

“We went to Lake Tahoe and instead of being stuck in the car or house for naptime, my 2 month old daughter was able to sleep in my lark and we went walking through the snow and saw some beautiful sights” - Noralee Williams

Making and Keeping Boundaries
Not only does babywearing make working around your little’s schedule easier, but it can make it easier to make and keep boundaries. Don’t want to pass your baby around the family party? Put them in a carrier! Oops. Sorry. Now they’re sleeping during the event.
“She’s a little hidden in there cause of the MN winter, but we get to go to our local Winter market & celebrate with family while snuggling! She’s a NICU baby so I’m still a bit protective over who is holding her (or trying to kiss her 🙄)” - Erin Marie

“It allows my son to enter huge family gatherings safely attached to my back. He can see everyone. Get the feel for it and when he is ready, get down and interact!” - Kristen Gunion
“Mom is his safe place when he gets overwhelmed. I always have a sling with me for quick snuggles 🥰” - Cara Nelson

“No missed naps! And no unwanted baby passing!” - Bret Dundas
“Last year for Christmas Eve service. Will do this exact thing this year too. H&P goes everywhere with us in case little one gets over stimulated or needs a nap/time to rest when in a busy environment. Couldn't survive the holidays without our ring sling!” - Tammie Meyer

“My kid lark helps my 4 y.o regulate when he's feeling overwhelmed by people (hello big family). He can cuddle until he feels ready to hangout and play with cousins etc. also, added benefit that I can tandem carry him and his little brother ❤️” - Patricia Doyle Nguyen
“It helped us to celebrate a big family Christmas without baby getting too over stimulated and allowed for her to nap” - Nicole Hofius

hope&plum even made appearances at holiday weddings, helping families feel safe and stay comfortable.
“My new village ring sling helped my daughter be a flower girl in my sister’s holiday wedding this weekend. I switched over to my Savannah lark to help her nap during the reception. Both the sling and the lark helped keep her calm during a long, tiring day. AND she was able to nurse easily in both!” - Mattithyah Tillotson Bergersen

“Our lark was perfect for my sister-in-law’s December wedding. Baby has been teething pretty bad lately and wanting extra snuggles. The lark made it so easy to carry her during the ceremony and cocktail hour. She was very fussy when we got there from skipping a nap but fell asleep almost as soon as I put her in the lark.” - Marie Tranakas

Holiday Chores
Babywearing makes all of this possible by allowing us to do our holiday chores while also holding our littles close.
“We own a Christmas tree farm in Maine, and this little gal has been cozy on me every day working on the farm, making wreaths and helping people find their perfect tree!” - Molly Rose

“It helped us Christmas shopping and seeing Santa!” - Anjelik Cruz Galante

“I do a lot of baking in general and especially around the holidays, and could not be stopped by a sick toddler who just wanted ups and snuggles!” - Sara McCordic

“Throw that stage 5 clinger into a lark and get those cookies made! (Or whatever you need to make for the holidays)” - Devon Boudreau
“We hosted thanksgiving & without my lark some things definitely would of gotten burnt 😅 I was able to cook and set the house up while wearing Rose instead of stopping what I was doing whenever she would fuss.” - Chelsea Zub

“We’ve used my meh dai for lots of holiday food prep. Cookies here with my two baby boys 🎄” - Ryleigh Thompson

“Also makes shopping so much easier. We love to go to old town and walk the shops and a stroller just ain’t cutting through the crowds! I love my ring slings and lark.” - Kristen Gunion

“[I]t’s so easy to nurse him in it! i love it for shopping!! i literally nurse him while grocery shopping or doing whatever i want to do. after i got my lark i didn’t have to sit in my car nursing because there’s no where to nurse in target lol (im nursing him in the picture. that’s why he’s a little low ☺️)” - “Gracie Bibey

“...[S]he was soooo fussy today and couldn’t get her down and I also had to do holiday cleaning and put up the tree soooo I just did it all with baby in the Lark while she napped finally” - Cristina Maria Sălășan

Spreading hope&plum Cheer
One of our community members used hope&plum to spread the babywearing cheer during this holiday season.
“Well this may not be exactly what you were looking for but our carrying days have come to and end except on long hikes when we use our hiking backpack.
So all my beautiful Hope and Plum carriers with tons of memories found homes this holiday season with new families where I'm sure they will continue to be cherished for a long time to come ❤️. They held great value even after all the time we've loved on them. I greatly appreciated this wonderful group through all my early momma days especially after my first traumatic birth. Baby wearing gave me a lot of peace and a beautiful bond with my children.
My 2.5yo is about to go on a 3 miles run with me while zooming along on his balance bike zero desire to be carried.
Happy Holidays everyone especially the Hope and Plum crew.” - Alisha Bretz"
Near and far, whatever you’re celebrating, hope&plum wishes you and your families health, happiness, and lots of sleepy dust.
Babywearing with hope&plum allows us to celebrate the holidays.
hope&plum lets us participate in holiday activities.
It also allows us to stick to our routines, but in a more flexible way.
hope&plum helps us make and keep boundaries.
It also helps us get those holiday chores done.
And we can spread the hope&plum cheer to our friends and family.