How Does hope&plum Help You Spread the Babywearing Love?
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! To celebrate this day of love, we asked our community how they spread the babywearing love. Let’s see how they should their appreciation and admiration for hope&plum and all things babywearing.
What We Love About hope&plum
Whether it’s that perfect colorway, seeing your partner wear your baby, using babywearing to keep one kid close while still spending quality time with another, or finding the perfect big kid carrier for big kid snuggles, our community has lots to love about hope&plum.
"Me and my little one fell in love with our Lark. It is the most comfortable and easiest carrier I've ever had." - Mauri Y.
"I love that baby wearing allows me to be hands free to play with my toddler (in this case, throw sticks into the water) while loving on my newborn. Also, I can easily breastfeed and usually nobody even realizes." - Kimberly Rose
"My babies aren't babies anymore and are now both school aged. Kid lark cuddles after school while they tell me about their day or just relax and unwind are my favorite. I also still wear one of the two of them if we are out running errands because it makes it an easier experience for all of us. Sometimes they like to swap midway through too. "Baby" wearing is my love language!!" - Sarah Zinn
"My husband has worn baby in the Lark before. Today, i woke up to him wearing her in our Zinnia ring sling. And it was a nearly perfect wear for his first time ❤️🥰" - Stephanie Mahoney
"So much easier than some of my other wraps I have tried to use and I love the fabric as is is soft and doesn't dig in to my skin or baby when I have it on, even for longer periods of time. It is great for newborns and smaller babies, especially as they like to be held a lot and sometimes it's hard to find options that will safely fit smaller babies. - Ashley K.

Babywearing Out and About
Many of our community members love that babywearing gives them the freedom to take their little ones out in the world. Whether it’s trips to the grocery store, the local aquarium, or halfway around the world, hope&plum is there with our babywearing magic to make any outing easier.
"We love to babywear while picking fresh fruit in the summer! It’s so much more convenient than trying to push a stroller through blueberry or strawberry fields and I always have people comment on how it looks way better than trying to chase wiggly babies or toddlers around 😂" -Samantha Hendrian
"I wore my baby to my workout class! I also wear as often as I can and take as many selfies I can!" -Amanda Stanley
...I wore my 4 year old around at Disney when we were standing in lines or needed her to take a nap. -Cheyanne Leininger
"I attend a breastfeeding help session twice a week that my hospital offers for free. I started wearing my little one instead of carrying the car seat in like everyone else. It's been a great way to talk about babywearing, especially since it is generally first time moms like myself who haven't even thought about baby wearing or have been curious but haven't jumped in yet. I've had some great conversations about why I love babywearing and the different types of carriers because of this!"
- Sarah Tanis
"We babywear when out and about! And share the joys of it as much as possible! Several parenting issues are solved by baby wearing 😆"
-Vania Farmar
"She’s not on, but usually wear it to get my pedi done on my day off, usually take a long nap on the lark she love it so much!! 💗"
-Andreina Castillo
"My favoriteeee time to wear is out shopping. This was a two hour plus trip to ikea. Not having to push a stroller all over is 🧑🍳 💋"
-Emily Malinski-Nissimov
"I love babywearing when we are at home and baby needs extra love, when we are at the grocery store, or during my workout class. The lark came to the rescue a couple weeks ago at the zoo when baby girl did not want to ride in her stroller; I wore her for a couple hours and those of us were comfortable and cozy."
-Stephanie Mahoney
"I wore my firstborn but only from 7months on and have been loving wearing my second from newborn on! it’s made everything so much easier and such a smooth transition. I wear him at church so i get a lot of questions about it and have offered to let some people borrow a sling to try it out and hopefully spread the good news of babywearing."
- Maddy Bates
"I wear my sweet Marlee every time we go out (especially Costco lol)! But here we are watching dad hit golf balls."
- Erica Jones
"I tell all my traveling momma who will listen- the lark makes travel SO easy! TSA a breeze- walking a new city is nap time in there- don’t want to chase kids down in a crowded area? Lark time!"
- Ashley Carr Sullivan
I wear my baby whenever I go into my local Trader Joe’s lol. Still waiting to meet a friend in the wild. -Theresa Phiyo
Sharing on Social Media
The babywearing love is so strong in our community that wearers post about their handsfree adventures on social media to let the world know how truly amazing babywearing is.
I post on my socials often while babywearing and many parents reach out, so I share with them resources and the hope&plum website. I also have attended babywearing meetups and sometimes show other parents how to use carriers including ring slings and the lark. I also gift carriers to most expecting parents I know. I like babywearing so much I’m considering getting formally certified. -Diana Smalley
My husband loves to take our older girls fishing. So while they did that for hours lol I wore my baby on and off and walked around the lake. This was a post from my ig and I got lots of love from it. Just wanted to share this. -Laura Plascencia
I share alllll the babywearing photos and talk to all my friends about it. I also help run our local babywearing group and lending library! The group has been a little dead since covid but I'm trying to get it active again. I use that as an excuse to buy more carriers 🤡 especially since lots of folks are interested in hope&plum!! The Lark specifically. 💗
The Lark is also my husband's go to carrier now! -Rachel Sampson
I often share pictures of Babywearing on my socials, and encourage my friends to join me on this journey! I’ve helped a few friends learn to use their carriers ❤️
Babywearing has definitely become my love language. It has allowed me to maintain so much independence in motherhood and I love being able to share my love of babywearing with others! -Jozie O'Brien
The Good Old-Fashioned Grapevine
Still others prefer the tried and true method of simply spreading the babywearing word without screens. They talk the ears off of family members, friends, and even strangers about the wonders of babywearing.
I tell everyone how me and my baby are both so much happier on the days I wear him a lot 🙂 and I still have my hands free to do what I need to 🙂 -Zuzanna Lubben
I wear my baby a lot of places and always talk people’s ears off about it and about hope&plum! I share pictures on platforms as well as share with my friends 🙂 -Brianna Mattia
I have made babywearing my personality since discovering hope&plum and I think my in-laws are sick of hearing about it 🥰 -Macaela Houde
We babywear daily and I try meeting others in public by asking what carrier they’re using and how they like it. We gifted the gym daycare lady a ring sling because she has been interested in my slings.
My kid lives in the lark on my back, it’s her safe space while I walk and clean. I love coming home and witnessing my husband wearing our nugget while he’s cooking or trying to soothe her. The best is getting selfies of them baby wearing. -Michelle Korn
"Yes!! I am constantly talking about my love for babywearing ❤️ It’s apart of my daily routine and I’d be so lost without it. So thankful for this community for teaching me how to bond & love my littles to my best ability through babywearing."
- Krista Kernel
Show Don’t Tell
But when telling doesn’t always works, some of our members prefer to show others the babywearing way.
I love babywearing and hope to teach my mom with my little girl since she’ll be watching all 3 when I go back to work 😊
- Kailyn Ash
"Among other reasons, I like to show tandem wearing is possible and sometimes the best solution 😅 "
- Hilary Maxam
Sharing, Gifting, and Teaching
Still others take it a step further and couple showing the world about babywearing with lending out or gifting hope&plum carriers.
"Lots of love in our house for babywearing. ❤️ Always willing to lend a carrier to a friend so they can get the extra baby (and big kid) snuggles we love so much!"
- Lexi Pipping
I use my collection (which is large and varied) to help other moms I meet get comfy in carriers. I have let strange moms try on my lark. My socials are filled with babywearing love and whenever I've known moms interested in babywearing I will offer to bring a collection to their house to let them try different things to see what they like. When I BST- I do it wanting my carriers to go to good homes and have even talked a few moms out of…buying from me if I could see it wasn't a good fit.
Them: "Oh that carrier looks so comfy!"
Me: "it's the lark wanna try it on?"
- Jenny Tafur-Ruth
"I met with a friend and let her use my Lark while shopping at Target. She loved it and ordered one in the mystery sale ❤️❤️"
- Erin Annita Pratt
"I run a lending library to share my babywearing love! We are nonprofit and completely volunteer based. We want people to have the opportunity to safely and comfortably babywear and for them to love it as much as we do. hope&plum is a favorite, of course!
I've been using our kid Lark to keep my toddler out of trouble while dropping big brother off at school lately (because if not, he'd end up in a pile of snow 😅). I get compliments on how pretty my Night Garden is alllll the time 😊 and also comments asking how my back isn't broken 🤣🤣🤣🤣 this giant baby will be 2 on Sunday and is already wearing 4t clothes, 38+ inches tall and 33-34lbs. He doesn't even feel heavy in our Lark 🤯🤷♀️"
- Rachel Angela Conant
"I’m always raving to my friends about the bond and convenience that babywearing brings! I have several friends that just had their first babies or are currently pregnant with their first. I let them try out my carriers or offer to help them pick the right style for them to add to their baby registries! Babywearing truly transformed my motherhood and I just want everyone to know what a blessing it can be!"
- Hanna Riley
"I almost feel sheepish talking so much about my love for babywearing which is directly linked to my love for h&p. I volunteer gifting h&p for showers unless they're not interested 😍."
- Bec Lee
However you choose to spread the babywearing love, hope&plum appreciates you as part of our community of likeminded babywearing caregivers. We ❤️ you!